Información del Producto

Our Digestive Enzymes

Enzyme Amount
Unit Use
Glucoamylase 100 AGU (Amyloglusidase Units) Completely hydrolyzes carbohydrates, such as starch, glycogen, and amylopectin, into glucose.
Amylase (alpha-amylase) 10 DU (Dextrinizing Units) Hydrolyzes carbohydrates, such as starch and glycogen.
Protease Blend 40 HUT (Hemoglobin Units in a Tyrosine Base) Breaks down proteins into smaller polypeptide fragments and amino acids. It is used to improve protein digestion, enhance nutrition, and reduce the allergenicity of proteins.
Protease 200 SAPU (Acid Stable Protease) Hydrolyzes proteins.
Peptidase 320 DPPIV (Dipeptil Peptidase IV) It is a type of protease that breaks down many of the common components found in gluten protein. It withstands stomach acidity.
Bromelain 1,740.00 PU Degrades proteins into smaller fragments. Supports normal inflammatory response.
Papain 260 PU Degrades proteins into smaller fragments. Supports normal inflammatory response.
Lactase 1000 ALU (Lactase Units) Converts lactose (milk sugar) into its components, glucose and galactose.
Lipase 2500 FIP Breaks down triglycerides and improves fat utilization. Supports gallbladder function.
Protease 8 HUT Hydrolyzes proteins.
Phytase 20 FTU Reduces the antinutritional effect of phytic acid and improves the digestibility of phosphorus (P), calcium, and amino acids.
Cellulase 1000 CU Degrades cellulose and cellulose derivatives, producing smaller polysaccharides and glucose. Helps release nutrients from both fruits and vegetables.
Pectinase 34 endo PGU Degrades carbohydrates, such as pectin, found in many fruits and vegetables.
α- Galactosidase 100 GaIU (Galactosidase Units) Helps digest carbohydrates that promote gas formation, such as raffinose and stachyose. Especially useful with legumes, cruciferous vegetables, and pulses. An enzyme absent in the human digestive tract, which only has β-galactosidase (with which we can break the bond of galactose present in lactose).
Beta Glucanase 150 BGU Decomposes polysaccharides known as beta-D-glucans that are associated with grains, such as barley, oats, and wheat.
Hemicellulase 2,000 HCU Digest soluble fibers found in plant cell walls. Used to release nutrients bound within the cellular structure of fruits and vegetables.
Invertase 400 SU Breaks down sucrose into its component sugars, glucose and fructose, so they can be utilized.
Xylanase 500 XU A type of hemicellulose that specifically degrades polymers containing xylose found in wheat, oats, and barley.

Our Prebiotics

Prebiotic Amount
Mechanism of Action Origin
Preforpro ® LH01 Myoviridae, LL5 Siphoviridae, T4D Myoviridae, LL12 Myoviridae 15 mg Bacteriophage: destroys negative bacteria and prepares the gut to ensure that healthy probiotic bacteria proliferate. It positively influences the bacterial population in the gut. It is not a fiber. It is not starch-based, which is why it does not cause inflammation, gas, and does not require a high dose. Its onset of action is within hours, not days like other prebiotics.

Our Postbiotics

Use Origin
Dried Yeast Fermentate 60 mg60 mg

Prebiotic-like Properties: Capable of positively modulating the composition of the gut microbiome.

Immunomodulatory: Supports immune system function.

Antioxidant: Helps protect cells from oxidative stress.

Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation.

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Our Probiotics

Quantity (CFU Billions) Specific Uses Origin
Bacillus Coagulans (lacris 15) 0.74 Increases the absorption and utilization of proteins, maximizing the benefits associated with protein supplementation. Improves vaginal flora, alleviates abdominal pain and inflammation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, and enhances the immune response to viral issues. Excellent resistance to heat, acidity, and sugars. Forms spores and germinates even in high-acidity environments. The spores are activated in the acidic environment of the stomach and begin to germinate and proliferate in the small intestine.
Bacillus Subtilis De 111 ® 0.38 **Se encuentra en el cuerpo humano, principalmente en la piel y en el tracto intestinal. Extrae los patógenos bacterianos y mantiene una flora intestinal saludable. Apoya la reacción inmune normal de las células intestinales. Produce ácidos grasos de cadena corta para ayudar a mantener la función de la barrera intestinal. Puede germinar en el intestino delgado, aumentar y luego volver a esporular. Produce muchas enzimas, varias de las cuales ayudan a descomponer los alimentos, incluidos los materiales vegetales que el cuerpo humano no puede digerir. Se ha demostrado que inhibe el crecimiento de H. pylori, un organismo asociado con la aparición de úlceras. Produce algunos compuestos fungicidas que controlan patógenos fúngicos como la cándida.**


**It is found in the human body, mainly in the skin and the intestinal tract. It extracts bacterial pathogens and maintains a healthy intestinal flora. Supports the normal immune response of intestinal cells. Produces short-chain fatty acids to help maintain intestinal barrier function. Can germinate in the small intestine, increase, and then sporulate again. Produces many enzymes, several of which help break down food, including plant materials that the human body cannot digest. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of H. pylori, an organism associated with the development of ulcers. Produces some fungicidal compounds that control fungal pathogens such as Candida.**
Soil Based
Bacillus Coagulans (lactospore) 0.38 Supports the normal immune response of intestinal cells. Soil-based. Spore-forming and germinates even in high-acidity environments. The spores are activated in the acidic environment of the stomach and begin to germinate and proliferate in the small intestine.
Bacillus Clausii Munispore ® Cs108 0.38 Produces short-chain fatty acids to help maintain intestinal barrier function. Can germinate in the small intestine, increase, and then sporulate again. Produces many enzymes, several of which help break down food, including plant materials that the human body cannot digest. Has been shown to inhibit the growth of H. pylori, an organism associated with ulcer formation. Produces some fungicidal compounds that control fungal pathogens such as Candida. Soil-based. Spore-forming and germinates even in high-acid environments. Spores activate in the acidic environment of the stomach and begin to germinate and proliferate in the small intestine.